Sunday 21 June 2015

Mango parfait with coconut sorbet

 Everything looks different in the summer. Flowers bewitch us, grass is finally vivid green and everlasting cold nights are no more. Everybody is cheerful and things are so much easier when you can bribe your children with a scoop of ice cream.
 Summer months are when the new ice cream flavour combinations see the real daylight.

This time is mango and coconut. The recipe I found on which is a goldmine of great ideas.

6 egg yolks
100g caster sugar (bit less if you will make your own mango puree)
375ml double cream
250ml mango puree
Beat the egg yolks on high speed with 1tbsp warm water until pale and double in size. Whip the cream until soft peaks.
Warm sugar with 1tbsp of water to 121C and slowly pour down the edge of the bowl. Whisk until the mixture cools down (few minutes). Gently mix in the mango puree and then fold in whipped cream.
Place in the moulds and put in the freezer for 4h.

425ml sugar syrup
400ml coconut milk
half a cup desiccated coconut
Measure equal parts of sugar and water, bring to boil until sugar dissolves. That will be your sugar syrup. Add coconut milk and coconut and leave to cool. Strain and pour it into an ice cream maker. Churn. Freeze to set (few hours).

Did I mention that I love plated desserts already? Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Can look at my blog and see prices, and nutritional facts of sorbet at different grocery stores.
