Monday 10 August 2015

All the flavours of Jaffa Cake

I always hated Jaffa Cakes. And without a good reason! Actually when you think about it, what is there not to like? Sponge - good, jelly - good, chocolate - oh so good! 
However, I've decided to give it a slight twist. It's got all the flavours of Jaffa Cake but looks completely different .

SPONGE (22cm round pan but you can use any shape you like)
115g plain flour, sifted
150g caster sugar
40g cornflour, sifted
Separate the eggs. In a mixer bowl put egg whites and whisk until they hold shape. Start adding sugar, little bit at a time. Add egg yolks one by one continuously mixing. Gently fold the flours using spatula. Pour it over prepared baking pan and bake in 175C-180C for 35-45min. It will depend on the oven.

2 oranges, juiced
sugar syrup (boil same amount of sugar and water until sugar dissolves)
gelatin, bloomed
I combined orange juice with sugar syrup (this step relays on your taste buds). The mixture was still quite hot so I added gelatine to dissolve (1 leaf for about 180ml). I poured it to the biggest baking pan (lined with cling film) I had to achieve very thin layer of jelly. Refrigerate.

90g granulated sugar
45g water60g egg yolks
225g bittersweet chocolate
400ml whipping cream
7g gelatin
25g orange liquor
In a saucepan cook sugar and water to 115C. In a meanwhile, begin whipping egg yolks on a medium speed. When the sugar reach 115C add it to the egg yolks and whip on high speed until cool. You just made pate a bombe. Now melt the chocolate and whip the cream to soft peaks. Over low heat melt the gelatine with orange liquor. Do not boil. Fold a quarter of whipped cream into the pate a bombe. Fold in melted chocolate. Fold in gelatine mixture and at the end remaining cream.

All you need to do is layer all the components in order : sponge, mousse, jelly, mousse, sponge.
I topped the whole thing with a milk chocolate ganache  just to make the whole experience even more sinful :) Enjoy!

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